Music awakens, Beat by Beat

While searching for something nice to listen from youtube today, i come across this little kid.. Harris J, a young British Muslim artist and his song "Assalamu Alaikum".. which i found out in Arabic means "Peace be onto you". 

In all todays media blast of events happening related to Islam, we shouldn't forget not to generalise everyone as the same. His song caught my ears for the lyrics that meant alot and the catchy beat that married with it.

He ends his song with these words: 

Spread peace on the earth
Cherish the love that is around us
Spread peace on the earth every day

It reminded me to never forget to love everyone around us and wish peace to all no matter what. We are not here to judge anyone, our aim is to love and know that at the core of everyone lies goodness.. maybe covered with fears and a mixture of other emotions.. but we can always tap into everyone's true selves.

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