Everything in existence is Magical

Today as i wanted to discover what is Yoga and what benefits does it bring.. i stumbled upon a video by Sadguru which made me realise that the word Yoga means Union.. but Union to what?

Union to the magic of existence. In today's world where most attention is outwardly focused, Yoga instead helps direct awareness within.. to sensations, feelings.. to wonder more about who you are..how our bodies function.. are our bodies real or just the conglomerate of atoms vibrating at a very slow frequency?

The questions are really infinite if we decide to go deeper to what we already know and then we will understand that every 'now' is a discovery of something even more wonderful..

So let's get on this wonderventure of Life together and spread enthusiasm and happiness to others so that they too can be thrilled through this journey!

Listen to Sadguru's Talk Below

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