We belong among the Stars

Amazing Harvard Graduate speech that through a poem, he awakens everyone that Education sets people free from supremacy. That an educator should be like Galileo Galilei, who sees its students as a constellation of bright stars.. Connecting the dots, he acknowledges the uniqueness in each one of them and thus allow that to be expressed, rather than repressed for the greatness of the world.

A great video to show you how important it is to shine your inner Deesign and bring great value to our world

Watch the Video Below

Embrace your Power

There are many cars out there, each one stimulating a certain sensation and vibe within us when we either think of them or even better experience them. 

Recently, i came across Maserati's ad on youtube and was feeling like Zeus after watching it. The video explains the power behind holding a trifork throughout history, making you want to hold the steering wheel of a Maserati.

Besides focusing on the car's power, i started to relate it to myself and how important it is to embrace our own inner strength and power. 

In today's world, we often see that man with power often abuse it for their own sake thus makes us dislike power because we don't want to be like them.. ( This is the case for people who love humanity and want everyone to thrive) 

It's strange but from a Maserati video, i discovered how i was escaping roles of leading because of my fears of not wanting to put anyone down but by doing so i played small and didn't allow my inner greatness to be express truly.

As Marianne Williamson wonderfully said in her quote:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Being a true leader is shining your own inner greatness while allowing others to do the same. Imagine what a wonderful world it would be, if everyone believed in themselves, their greatness and used their power for good..?

Let's end this post with a reminder to discover what makes your feel powerful and to use that as a key to on your inner engines and ignite what your should truly feels alive to do while here on earth. Let's Shine our Inner Design together!

The Bliss Generation

I happened to come across the HighonLife youtube channel right after feeling pretty stressed about what to do today. Caught up with many thoughts about life, responsibilities and all.. forgetting the essence which i always knew: "Do what feels Good"

Watching this video reminded me of this as they travel the world doing fun, adventurous stuff that leaves viewers and themselves with great Awe.

What caught my attention in the words he speaks in the video is "Focus on what matters" which to me is our gps through this life of great distractions. We must know what truly matters and then we do what can be done to increase the pleasure of this human experience.. whether it is to travel and explore the world or just use some pocket money to buy some delicious food for a homeless..

What can we do today to make our life AWEsome?

Surrender to Bhangra

What is life all about? What is the best way for us to live it? Well, as Joseph Campbell used to say : Follow your Bliss and this video supports that showing 2 youtube sensations : HighOnLife Channel and Superwoman Channel  having fun as they surrender to a very catchy Bhangra tune.

When was the last time you let yourself loose to music.. Try it and see how good it feels :)

Bring Bhangra to the People


Love More

This music video by Robin Schulz called "Give me Love" definitely sparked something within besides its catchy beat. The music video shows a couple who falls in love but it doesn’t remain lovey dovey instead gets very comical as they fall into unexpected moments as their expression of love takes place..

It sure feels good to love.. the video shows many unfortunate things happening yet when they are in love, the react to them with laughter.. Maybe all we need is to feel more love and we will be able to handle what comes to us in life with more lightheartedness and laughter :)

Let’s feel more LOVE ! 

Music awakens, Beat by Beat

While searching for something nice to listen from youtube today, i come across this little kid.. Harris J, a young British Muslim artist and his song "Assalamu Alaikum".. which i found out in Arabic means "Peace be onto you". 

In all todays media blast of events happening related to Islam, we shouldn't forget not to generalise everyone as the same. His song caught my ears for the lyrics that meant alot and the catchy beat that married with it.

He ends his song with these words: 

Spread peace on the earth
Cherish the love that is around us
Spread peace on the earth every day

It reminded me to never forget to love everyone around us and wish peace to all no matter what. We are not here to judge anyone, our aim is to love and know that at the core of everyone lies goodness.. maybe covered with fears and a mixture of other emotions.. but we can always tap into everyone's true selves.

Elephant Artmazing

If given a white canvas, what would you do to decorate it? Well, this is what you'll see at this year's Elephant Parade happening in Bangkok as diverse artists from all over the globe come together to express their art and styles onto them in aid of raising awareness of elephant conservation.

It's amazing how each artist's mind, sees and expresses something totally new and beautiful to make a normal statue become outstanding.

Get More Info from the Video below

See Beyond The Normal

Doing some research on a French Switch Company named Legrand, i find myself smiling at what artist Gilbert Legrand does.. which is painting something totally unexpected on normal objects we sometimes don't see much excitement in besides it's sole purpose.. ex. a broom is to sweep dust or a tap its simply to let water out..

Sometimes it's really up to us to bring out beauty or imagination in everything/anything around us.. and that very old object might just become source of great admiration..

Check out his wild imagination below

Express through Experimentation

If somethings stands out for some reason, then it's worth the attention.. While walking around a shopping mall, i came across this beautiful artworks done in collaboration with Diptyque's Christmas collection candles..

It wasn't the candles i was attracted to.. but the mystical play of colours on a black canvas done by Artist Julien Colombier.. This artist reminded me of times during Art High school in Milan where experimentation was taught either with materials, colours, typography.. yes, practically anything.. to form something amazing!

We must spend time during our busy schedules, to have a little free flow of art expression.. maybe that takes you way back when you were a child.. it's really never too late to do something through experimentation.. cause it's when we don't know how it will end up that something ends up totally wonderful.

Campaign Video Below